Riyaz Kajalwala

Riyaz Kajalwala
Full Name: Mohamed Riyaz Kajalwala
Birth date: February 24 1982
Age: 43 years
Batting Style: Right Hand
Bowling Style: Slow left-arm orthodox
Team :

Riyaz Kajalwala Last 10 Innings

RunsWktsOppMatch DateScore
1 - Serbia2022-07-18 IT20
0 0/14 Isle of Man2022-07-12 IT20

Statistictics by year

Batting Stats

IT20 2211 1 1 1.00911.11 0 0 0 0 0 00

Bowling Stats

IT20 210.3014 0 -28.00-00000/00/0

Riyaz Kajalwala

Last Series Played

ICC T20 World Cup Europe Qualifier Group A 2022
Team Squad
Akila Kalugala Neeraj Tiwari
Arjun Shahi Buddika Mahesh
Taranjit Singh James Chialoufas
Roman Mazumder Chamal Sadun
Scott Austin Scott Burdekin

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