Ngawang Thinley

Ngawang Thinley
Full Name: Ngawang Thinley
Birth date: January 1 2000
Age: 25 years
Birth Country: Bhutan
Batting Style: UnKnown
Bowling Style: Unknown
Team :

Ngawang Thinley Last 10 Innings

RunsWktsOppMatch DateScore
9 0/9 Malaysia2022-07-11 IT20
- 1/15 Thailand2022-07-09 IT20
2 3/20 Maldives2022-07-07 IT20
- 4/13 Thailand2022-07-06 IT20
11 0/9 Maldives2022-07-04 IT20
2 3/12 Malaysia2022-07-03 IT20
0 2/43 Malaysia2022-07-02 IT20

Statistictics by year

Batting Stats

IT20 7532 24 11 8.003177.42 0 0 0 2 0 10

Bowling Stats

IT20 7718.31121 13 9.317.028.431004/134/13


Player of the Match ListDate
Bhutan vs Thailand 6th T20 Match 2022 2022-07-06

Ngawang Thinley

Last Series Played

Malaysia Quadrangular Series 2022
Team Squad
Sonam Yeshey Namgay Thinley
Tenzin Wangchuk Dawa Dawa
Karma Dorji Suprit Pradhan
Jigme Singye Gakul Ghalley
Thinley Jamtsho Tshering Tashi

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